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How do we define pain?
21 september, 2017
Pain is categorized differently based on where in your body you actually feel pain. The strength and category of the pain, and how long it has been on, is also important. Despite how pain is perceived and for how long, pain is in fact generated in our brain.
Pain could be:
· Sharp
· Tingling
· Grumbling
· Aching
· Burning
· Exhausting
The brain produces pain for protection, also to protect you against further injuries.
The pain created by the brain does not necessarily correspond with the actual injury on your body. Sometimes you can even feel pain without actually being injured at all.
There are several factors at play when you feel pain, for example:
· Physical injury
· Mental or physical factors
· Environment
· Social factors
· Sensitivity
· Experience and previous history
Pain in your lower back is very common, often released by unfavorable working position or postures over time.
Do you want to learn more?
University Hospital of North Norway has produced a five-minute video cut, explaining pain in a plain and simple way. Click on the net site of Norwegian Physiotherapist Association to view the video.
NHI presents a complete article on pain in general, to be viewed here.
Pain treatment at KA Klinikken
To handle pain, it is important to view all factors in a lot. This way, we can plan for approaching the pain the best way possible, to obtain a quick recovery. The pain usually appears in the shoulder, the lower back or the neck, and in the hips.
We do comprehensive studies of your pain in order to categorize it, and then plan for a quick return to normal life.
Contact us if you have pain you need to handle and treat.