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Today, massage is associated with well-being, relaxation and muscular treatment. Clinical massage is popular and effective, and a good device for better health and quality of life. 

At KA Klinikken, we will help you find the best technique to fulfill your needs and requirements. Beneath, you can read about the different methods we offer, and how they may help you. 


Classic massage 

Classic massage will release strain from fascia and the muscles, increase blood circulation and relax the body. This is an optimal treatment if the intention is to stress down and remove tensions from a hectic day. More massage techniques might be suitable for obtaining the best result possible. 



Trigger point theraphy 

Trigger point therapy involves deactivating trigger points that may cause local pain. Manual pressure or other treatment is applied to these points to relieve myofascial pain. The method is very efficient if the tensions are deep. 


Connective tissue theraphy is another form of deep soothing massage technique, much used for treating tense tendons, scar tissue and fascia, surrounding the muscles like a membrane. Some patients experience tight tissues or tight skin after a fire damage, even wounds or increased muscle pressure. The grip technique varies, depending on what and where the tensions are, and feels very comforting. 


Sports Massage

This therapy is perfect for starting an overall healing process, releasing exhausted tissues and optimizing further performances. Several massage methods are relevant, based on history and needs. 

Om KA klinikken

Hovedmålet med KA er å skape gode løsninger - for deg som pasient, for bedrifter og eksterne helseaktører vi samarbeider med og for alle som jobber på klinikken.

Mandag: 12.00 - 21.00
Tirsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Onsdag: 07.00 - 16.00 
Torsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Fredag: Stengt
Lørdag: Stengt
22 51 66 10 
Hoffsveien 15, 0275 Oslo

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