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KA Klinikken’s treatments and methods 

As professionals, it is our objective to be best at listening, evaluating and treating patients. 

KA Klinikken was started by Kasper Andresen, one of Norway’s most high-profiled and prominent chiropractors with more than 40 years of experience. Kasper Andresen studied at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa, USA. Dr. Clarence Gonstead, and professor Ted Carrick, have been his preferred teachers, mentors and inspirers. Professor Ted Carrick still is. 


Our experience tells us that interdisciplinary treatment is the best way to maintain the patient’s needs. We offer our patients treatment from chiropractors, functional neurologist and acupuncturist, of rehabilitation, hands on, relaxation, nutrition and functional neuro-orthopedic rehabilitation (FNOR). KA Klinikken is always eager to adopt the latest knowledge available, and all our therapists are among the best professionals in this line of service. 


KA Klinikken is extremely focused on listening to the patients. 40 years as professionals have proven that the patient´s information is extremely essential. Our objective is therefore to be best at listening, evaluating, testing and treating patients. That is why our tests are more accurate. 


Fewer, but more qualified treatments will result in better and more long-lasting results. This will make you perform your very best.


– Our goal is to be the best in the industry of listening, testing and processing.

Kasper Andresen

© 2018 by Ingvild Berger

Om KA klinikken

Hovedmålet med KA er å skape gode løsninger - for deg som pasient, for bedrifter og eksterne helseaktører vi samarbeider med og for alle som jobber på klinikken.

Mandag: 12.00 - 21.00
Tirsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Onsdag: 07.00 - 16.00 
Torsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Fredag: Stengt
Lørdag: Stengt
22 51 66 10 
Hoffsveien 15, 0275 Oslo

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