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Educated acupuncturist at the Norwegian College of Acupuncture, Oslo. Bachelor of Acupuncture. Basic courses in medicine, with a specialization in anatomy and physiology. Member of the Acupuncturists’ Association in Norway. 


Offers treatment in traditional Chinese medicine (TKM) including acupuncture, trigger points, electro acupuncture, moxa, cupping, ear acupuncture and cosmetic acupuncture. 


Particularly interested and specialized in cosmetic acupuncture, ADHD and muscular disorders. All patients will have an individual treatment, adjusted to and based on the cause of the problem. 


A first acupuncture treatment takes about one hour. Next treatment will take approximately 45 minutes. The amount of treatments will vary, but an average healing process will include from 5-15 treatments. To start with, we recommend two treatments a week. Later on, treatments could be less frequent. 


Om KA klinikken

Hovedmålet med KA er å skape gode løsninger - for deg som pasient, for bedrifter og eksterne helseaktører vi samarbeider med og for alle som jobber på klinikken.

Mandag: 12.00 - 21.00
Tirsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Onsdag: 07.00 - 16.00 
Torsdag: 07.00 - 16.00
Fredag: Stengt
Lørdag: Stengt
22 51 66 10 
Hoffsveien 15, 0275 Oslo

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