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Lower back pain

Lower back pain is the most common pain of all. Approximately 50 percent of the population will experience lower back pain at least once a year. As many as 8 out of 10 will have lower back pain once or more during their lifetime.

The disorder could be vague and affect a larger area, or pain could be specific and sharp. Some will experience sudden pain in the lower back, while others will feel the pain coming on slowly. I most cases, the pain will be unspecific, but not severe. Still, pain in the lower back will be perceived as unpleasant by most people.


Most common symptoms:

  • Stiffness in the lower back

  • A feeling of weariness and tension in the back

  • A need for having the back working normally again

  • Pain when sitting down or standing up

  • Pain when raising up

  • Protective motion pattern

  • Pain flushing down towards the legs


Most common causes:

  • Inactivity

  • Adverse working position over time

  • Overweight

  • Sudden or long-time strain


What you can do yourself:

  • Find out what affects your pain

  • Avoid painful movements

  • Be active

  • Avoid one-sided work

  • Take enough breaks



How we can help:

  • To treat pain in the lower back could be extensive. To spare you the pain, your body will try to compensate, but this could lead to more disorder over time.

  • To be able to treat your lower back sufficiently, it will be vital to find out how your brain relate to the problems. Therefore, KA Klinikken offers you an overall consultation with extensive tests based on the latest research. We analyze how your brain and your nerve system affect the rest of your body, aiming to reduce and remove unwanted pain, and obtain long lasting results.

Fysioterapi Session

The interaction between the brain and the nerve system is the main focus of our physical treatments. These parts of your body control your functions, from head to toe.

tilbake Massasje

Our chiropractors offer an overall treatment of your body, focusing on the interaction between the brain and the nerve system. 

tilbake Massasje

At KA Klinikken, we will help you find the best technique to fulfill your needs and requirements. Beneath, you can read about the different methods we offer, and how they may help you. 

akupunktur Behandling

Acupuncture is a treatment which is increasingly popular, acknowledged both as alternative and supplement to western medicine

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